Anti slavery statement

Anti-slavery and human trafficking statement

ETA Green Power Ltd (ETA) take very seriously their obligations under current UK legislation and guidelines.  ETA will never knowingly deal with an organisation or individuals connected to slavery or human trafficking in any form.  This statement sets out the action taken to ensure slavery or human trafficking is not part of ETA, as required by the Modern Slavey Act 2015 (“the Act”).

Our business is the design, development and delivery of sustainable high torque electric drive solutions and associated products using advanced magnetics with electronic innovation.  ETA operates internationally and due to the nature of its products, services and the type of customer with which it deals, ETA is not aware of any area of it’s operations which is likely to lead to breach of the Act.

Due diligence and supply chain

ETA does not, and will not, knowingly work with any party that we suspect is connected in any way with slavery or human trafficking .  The company endeavours to verify that any new customer or supplier are not involved with, or suspected of, slavery, bribery, corruption or any other unlawful activity.  ETA strives to comply with applicable laws, regulations and best practices in the areas that it does business, including the Act, and requires any party with which ETA deals to do the same.

Slavery, human trafficking, and child labour has no place anywhere in our business.  


ETA is currently not aware of any issues related to the Act. ETA will undertake periodic reviews to ensure ongoing compliance.